Leading Pakistan’s New Wave of Disease Hunters: Q&A with Dr. Rana Jawad Asghar, MPH 1998

Born in Pakistan and educated at the University of Washington from 1996-1998, Dr. Rana Jawad Asghar has carved an impressive career in global health. Stints at UW (where he earned a Master’s in Public Health), Stanford, and University of Bristol preceded several jobs across the globe, spanning from Mozambique to Atlanta, Georgia. Today, Asghar serves as the CEO of Global Health Strategists & Implementers, a consulting firm focused on improving the global population’s health. Dr.

Congratulations, 2017 Graduates!

On Wednesday, June 9, 2017, the Department of Global Health celebrated our tenth graduation since our founding in 2007. Over 150 students received degrees and certificates, including five graduates of the PhD programs, 43 graduates of the MPH program, 53 undergraduates with a Minor in Global Health, 32 graduates of the medical school on the Global Health Pathway, 11 Post-Bachelor Fellows, and 18 students that received a graduate certificate in Global Health.

Call For Nominations: Department of Global Health (DGH) Alumni Early Achievement Award 2017

In celebration of the many achievements of recent alumni, the University of Washington, Department of Global Health (DGH) is accepting nominations for the first annual DGH Alumni Early Achievement Award. Submissions will be reviewed by a committee of faculty, staff and alumni. One alumnus will be selected and recognized at the DGH Global Healthies Poster Competition and Award Ceremony, to be held on Monday, May 15 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

In the Fight to End TB, UW Establishes New Partnership in Bangladesh

By Alex Murphy

World TB Day, celebrated each year on March 24th, is an opportunity to raise awareness about the global burden of tuberculosis (TB).  The 2017 World TB Day theme is “Unite to End TB,” and some faculty from the University of Washington (UW) embodied the work by creating a new partnership in Bangladesh. 

Devex: Q&A With Liberia's Minister of Health on Lessons Learned from the Ebola Crisis

By Catherine Cheney

“West Africa is sitting on a ticking time bomb,” Bernice Dahn, Liberia’s minister of health, said at Global Health: Next Decade, Next Generation, an event celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington, her alma mater. 

"We all learned a lot of lessons from the Ebola outbreak. At least one lesson that we have learned is that an epidemic... could quickly become a pandemic," she said.
