An STI That You Probably Don't Even Know about Is Becoming Common and Resistant to Medications

By Melissa Matthews / Newsweek

You’ve likely never heard of, or been tested for it, but a sexually transmitted infection that’s fairly common could now be resistant to antibiotic medications. Mycoplasma genitalium, or MG, is not a new bacteria and was first identified in the 1980s. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is more common than gonorrhea and chlamydia, though it's not as easily recognized as the other two.

STATEMENT: Standing with all our students, staff and faculty - A response to heated language about immigration

Dear students, faculty and staff:

At the University of Washington, we are honored to collaborate with students, faculty and staff from around the globe. The Department of Global Health, our School of Public Health, and our University would not be the world-class institutions they are without their contributions.

What Must Countries Prioritize to Deliver Universal Health Coverage?

By Disease Control Priorities (DCP3)

Disease Control Priorities (DCP3), a UW Department of Global Health program, provides up-to-date evidence on priorities that countries should consider in order to deliver universal health coverage. DCP3 launched their latest findings on December 6 at a standing-room only event in London co-hosted by The Lancet. The event began with keynote addresses from Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, and World Health Organization Director-General, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus. 

Leadership and Management in Health Online Course Reaches Thousands Worldwide


Led by I-TECH (International Training and Education Center for Health) Executive Director and UW Professor of Global Health Ann Downer, Leadership and Management in Health is a 12-week online course focusing on the practical leadership and management skills required for working in complex global health environments. The course is made up of weekly online modules on team building, accountability, supervision and delegation, conflict management, financial management, use of data for decision-making, and effective communication.

‘I just wanted off the plane’: Sexual Assaults Often Unreported by Airlines, so UW Alumni Starts Campaign

Sexual assault of women on commercial flights happens regularly, yet victims often receive minimal support from airline staff and there are few prosecutions of perpetrators. Allison Dvaladze, a graduate of UW's Department of Global Health Master of Public Health (MPH) program, was sexually assaulted on a Delta flight from Seattle to Amsterdam in 2016 and since then has mounted a one-woman campaign to bring attention to what she soon realized is a recurring problem, and to push for some way to address it.

U.S. Provides Most Development Assistance for Health, but Lags Behind Other Nations in Spending Per Person

By the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

A new study finds that while the United States consistently has provided more funding for development assistance for health (DAH) than any other country, some high-income European nations have far surpassed the U.S.’s assistance in per capita and other expenditure measurements.
