Zika Brain Damage May Go Undetected in Pregnancy

By Leila Gray / UW Medicine

“Current criteria using head size to diagnose Zika-related brain injury fail to capture more subtle brain damage that can lead to significant learning problems and mental health disorders later in life,” said Dr. Kristina Adams Waldorf, Professor Global Health and Obstetrics and Gynecology in the University of Washington's Schools of Public Health and Medicine, who specializes in maternal and fetal infections. “We are diagnosing only the tip of the iceberg.”

How Fetal Infections Lead to Adult Heart Disease

By Leila Gray / UW Medicine

Recent studies indicate that infants born prematurely have a higher risk of developing heart disease later in life. Now, researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle have shown that, in preterm animal models, inflammation due to infection can disrupt the activity of genes crucial for normal heart development.

STATEMENT: Standing with all our students, staff and faculty - A response to heated language about immigration

Dear students, faculty and staff:

At the University of Washington, we are honored to collaborate with students, faculty and staff from around the globe. The Department of Global Health, our School of Public Health, and our University would not be the world-class institutions they are without their contributions.

What Must Countries Prioritize to Deliver Universal Health Coverage?

By Disease Control Priorities (DCP3)

Disease Control Priorities (DCP3), a UW Department of Global Health program, provides up-to-date evidence on priorities that countries should consider in order to deliver universal health coverage. DCP3 launched their latest findings on December 6 at a standing-room only event in London co-hosted by The Lancet. The event began with keynote addresses from Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, and World Health Organization Director-General, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus. 

Leadership and Management in Health Online Course Reaches Thousands Worldwide


Led by I-TECH (International Training and Education Center for Health) Executive Director and UW Professor of Global Health Ann Downer, Leadership and Management in Health is a 12-week online course focusing on the practical leadership and management skills required for working in complex global health environments. The course is made up of weekly online modules on team building, accountability, supervision and delegation, conflict management, financial management, use of data for decision-making, and effective communication.
