BBC World Service: 'Health Gardens' in Lima, Peru Improve Mental, Physical Health

BBC Health Check recently visited Lima, Peru to investigate how new 'healthy gardens' and greenspaces are improving lives in the slum community of Iquitos. Joe Zunt, a Professor of Global Health at UW, has been working closely with landscape architecture student Jorge 'Coco' Alarcon and community partners to design backyard gardens that can improve air quality, reduce vector-borne diseases, and boost mental health. 

MedPage Today: LEEP Rather Than Freeze to Prevent Cervical Cancer

The Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) took place in Seattle in mid-February, a forum for researchers and advocates to discuss the basic science and clinical discoveries of human retroviruses and associated diseases.

Sharon Greene, MPH student in Epidemiology at the UW School of Public Health, presented findings during CROI on a 3-year study comparing the effectiveness of cryotherapy and loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) to eliminate risk of cervical pre-cancer for women living with HIV. 

Seattle Times: Healing the Global Village

“I want to live in a reality where we take vaccines for granted,” says Augustine Ajuogu. He grew up in Nigeria, where he saw firsthand the devastating effects of diseases like tuberculosis (TB) and malaria. In fact, he lost an uncle to TB.

Now a third-year medical student at the UW School of Medicine, Ajuogu has a goal.

“I’m focused on reducing the impact of treatable diseases, and the way I want to do that is through vaccines and drugs,” he says. “I imagine a world free from the threat of infectious diseases.”

