After Taylor Swift concert death, Brazil searches for accountability

Washington Post

Concertgoers waited for hours in temperatures that reached a heat index of 138 degrees to see Taylor Swift’s first show of the year in Brazil. Many of them were anticipating the concert experience of their dreams: Swift’s Eras Tour had finally come to their country after crashing ticket servers in the U.S. and inspiring its own movie. They didn’t expect to leave feeling like they survived a nightmare.

Kristie Ebi, professor of global health and of environmental and occupational health sciences at the UW, is quoted.

NYC subways unbearably hot again as outside temps fall

New York Post

As temperatures drop in the Big Apple, a new heat wave has begun — in the subways. As usual during cold weather, overzealous heating in subway stations and train cars saw temperatures rise and riders bundled up in winter clothes sweating their Uggs off. 

Dr. Jeremy Hess, professor of global health, of emergency medicine and of environmental and occupational health sciences at the UW, is quoted.


Behavioral Research Center for HIV Joins DGH

This fall, the Behavioral Research Center for HIV (BIRCH) joined the UW Department of Global Health. BIRCH is an NIH-funded P30 developmental AIDS Research Center that provides infrastructure and support for high-impact, interdisciplinary research on HIV and mental health. Its vision is to end the HIV epidemic by addressing the determinants and symptoms of mental illness and HIV through holistic person-centered prevention and care.


The Real Story: How should we tackle the global obesity epidemic?

BBC News

Over 1 billion people worldwide are obese, according to the World Health Organization. If current trends continue, half the world could be obese or overweight by 2035. The WHO refers to it as an epidemic. Recent data shows that over 40% of Americans are living with obesity.

Rachel Nugent, clinical associate professor of global health, is interviewed.
