HS Newsbeat: Women Took Path Through UW to Lead Nations' Efforts on Health

Liberia was in the midst of a devastating Ebola outbreak when Bernice Dahn, the country's chief medical officer, went to visit her ailing special assistant at his home on Sept. 20, 2014. When the 55-year-old father of eight died from the disease less than a week later, Dahn put herself into quarantine for 21 days. She kept her constituency aware of her situation, as well as many from her cohort at the University of Washington. Dahn, now Liberia's minister of health, has been fulfilling her vision to build a resilient health system by deploying thousands more community health workers.

ASPPH: Hypertension a Hidden Chronic Condition among Adults in Suburban Nepal

Originally published in ASPPH

More than 50 percent of adults with high blood pressure in suburban Nepal don’t know they have it, according to researchers from the University of Washington School of Public Health and the Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences.

Washington Tuberculosis Expert Receives Local Public Health Award

Masa Narita, MD, Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology and Global Health at the University of Washington School of Public Health, received the Noreen Harris Award for Excellence in Public Health Epidemiology for his work in tuberculosis (TB) surveillance and epidemiology. The award is presented annually by Public Health – Seattle & King County.

Dr. Narita is the TB disease control officer for King County in Washington state, and he has been at the helm of the Tuberculosis Control Program (TBCP) at Public Health – Seattle & King County for 12 years.

Pisacano Leadership Foundation Names 2016 Pisacano Scholars

The Pisacano Leadership Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), recently selected Brianne Huffstetler Rowan, 4th year medical student at the UW School of Medicine, as one of their 2016 Pisacano Scholars. These 5 scholars and medical students follow in the footsteps of 103 scholar alumni who are practicing physicians and 20 current scholars who are enrolled in medical schools or family medicine residency programs across the country.

Nature Research Honors Julie Overbaugh, PhD, for Lifetime of Mentoring

Julie Overbaugh, PhD, Affiliate Professor in the UW Department of Global Health, scientist and member at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Endowed Chair of Graduate Education, received the lifetime achievement Nature Award for Mentoring in Science and a $10,000 prize in December. Nature hosts these annual awards to champion the importance of mentoring and inspiring a generation of young scientists.

SPH Close Up: Joel Kaufman, Interim Dean

Before he earned his MD, Joel Kaufman was a best-selling author — for a week, at least.

In 1982, he took a year off from his studies to work for the consumer advocacy Public Citizen Health Research Group in Washington, D.C. The result was a book, Over the Counter Pills That Don’t Work.
