Fellowship Recipient, University of Washington Department of Global Health

Photo of Nico Flint hiking

What inspired you to pursue a graduate degree in global health? 

To put it simply, a deep desire for social justice and health equity. With a background in social anthropology, I initially unlocked a passion in the unique kind of learning that occurs at the intersection of language acquisition and cultural immersion. As I studied, traveled, and worked in Latin America, connecting with people in a way I had previously never been able to, I fell in love: with the people I met, the experiences I had, and the profound sense of community that tied it all together. At the same time, perceiving the social injustices that a legacy of colonialism and neoliberalism left behind and continues to exacerbate, I felt called to work in a field that is actively engaged in anti-neoliberal practices, anti-racism, and one that truly promotes equity for all. 

Why did you decide to attend the UW for graduate school? 

UW is the only school I applied to that consistently emphasized the importance of addressing global health through the lens of social justice. This was of the utmost importance to me, and I sensed a sincere and deep sense of caring on the part of faculty and staff. This ultimately moved me to choose UW, and I’m so glad I did.

What are your research interests?

I’m primarily interested in addressing the social determinants of health, with a focus on education of women and girls. I’m also interested in the field of Implementation Science, as well as community organizing and community-based participatory research. 

What are you enjoying most about your graduate program?

Hands down my favorite thing about my program so far is my cohort. I am inspired on a daily basis by the incredibly diverse group of beautiful people I get to learn with. I am honored to be among them.