Endowed Fellowship for Global Health Excellence, Equity and Impact

Q: Please tell us a little about yourself

A: I grew up in Portland, Oregon, then attended Whittier College. I was fortunate enough to study in New Zealand, Peru, and The Dominican Republic, which underlined the critical roles that culture and context play in the promotion of health and well-being. This prompted me to double major in Chemical Biology and Global Health Studies. Since Spring 2018, I have worked in an occupational health psychology lab at Oregon Health & Science University coordinating a clinical trial that is attempting to improve the sleep of team truck drivers with engineering controls and behavioral intervention. 

Q: Why did you decide to attend the UW for graduate school?

A: I was drawn to the UW Global Health department because I wanted an education that would urge me to think about health through multiple cultural and contextual lenses. This has been an emphasis in our coursework.

Q: What are your research interests?

A: I hope to pursue a career doing mixed methods research and developing practical tools to improve the cultural competency of health care service providers for interactions with minority populations. 

Q: What are you enjoying most about your graduate program?

A: Despite COVID-19 restrictions requiring online learning, my MPH cohort has been one of the best parts of this program. Our cohort is unbelievable diverse. We have classmates from all over the world, who each bring a wealth and diversity of experiences. I have learned so much from the folks in our cohort and am so excited for our working relationships to continue developing over the course of our careers.