June 08, 2017 | Department News

Researchers at the Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease produce a 3-D image of the protein structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein Dihydrofolate Reductase Bound inhibitor. By Bobbi Nodell
A collaboration involving UW Medicine researchers reached a major milestone toward helping investigators create drug therapies and vaccines for some of the world’s major infectious diseases.
The group solved 1,000 protein structures from more than 70 infectious disease organisms.
Understanding protein structures -- the basis of drug therapy and vaccines -- is key to understanding how infectious diseases are different from us, said Dr. Wesley Van Voorhis, head of the Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the UW School of Medicine.
Wesley Van Voorhis, MD, PhD, is an Adjunct Professor of Global Health at UW.