By LiLi Tan

University of Washington students are developing a test that could improve the lives of people around the world. It’s a credit card-sized HIV test called the OLA Simple.

“Very much looking like a pregnancy test. So there will be lines and you can know the result right away,” Nuttada Panpradist said. The Global WACh Certificate and fourth year bioengineering PhD student recently won a $50,000 APF Student Technology Prize for Primary Healthcare from Massachusetts General Hospital.

The APF student technology prize for primary healthcare is a coveted grant, and Panpradist is the first UW student to win.


Nuttada's team will be working in partnership with the Treatment, Research and Expert Education program (TREE) in Kenya, led by Michael Chung, UW Associate Professor of Global Health. TREE will receive lab-based OLA devices and collect feedback to inform development of the proposed equipment-free device.

Read the full story.