- Affiliate Assistant Professor, Global Health

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Dr. Ghee is an independent consulting evaluator with broad experience as a senior monitoring & evaluations (M&E) professional. She offers clients strategic insight on M&E systems strengthening and data storytelling/visualization. Dr. Ghee also focuses on building evidence of the results of investments in digital tools to support development programming. Prior to striking out on her own, Dr. Ghee provided M&E technical leadership for World Vision globally for over a decade. Serving as Technical Director of Research and M&E for World Vision’s Global Center where she led a team of M&E professionals, served as an internal evaluator and scientific communicator, provided direct technical support to country teams and M&E training, helped launch digital health efforts, guided data visualization skills building and collaborated to prepare various meta-synthesis reports to capture results of Health & Nutrition and WASH programming globally. A cornerstone of her work at World Vision was her role as internal evaluator for the multi-country Child Health and Nutrition Impact Study carried out in Cambodia, Guatemala, Kenya, and Zambia. Dr. Ghee is also a founding member and outgoing president of the Seattle Evaluation Association, an affiliate of the American Evaluation Association.
- PhD (University of Washington)
- MPH (University of California (Los Angeles))
- BA (Harvard College)
- Community Health Workers
- Community-Based Participatory Research
- Community-Based Primary Health Care
- Distance Learning
- Epidemiology
- Health Disparities
- Health Information Systems
- Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources Development
- Implementation Science
- Infectious Diseases
- Leadership and Organizational Development
- Maternal Child Health (incl. Reproductive Health)
- Maternal Mortality
- Metrics and Evaluation
- Mobile Health (mHealth)
- Nutrition
- Nutrition, Clean Water, and Food Security
- Operations Research
- Qualitative Research and Methods
- Social Determinants of Health
- Social Justice and Human Rights
- Sociobehavioral
- STDs (other than HIV)
Edward A, Jung Y, Ettyang G, Chhorvann C, Risko C, Ghee AE, Chege J. A comparative study of adult and adolescent maternal care continuum following community-oriented interventions in Cambodia, Guatemala, Kenya, and Zambia. PLoS ONE, 2020; 17(1): e0261161. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0261161
Edward A, Krishnan A, Ettyang G, Jung Y, Perry H, Ghee AE, Chege JC. Can people-centered community-oriented interventions improve skilled birth attendance? Evidence from a quasi-experimental study in rural communities of Cambodia, Kenya, and Zambia. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2020; 20:514. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-020-03223-0
Edward A, Jung Y, Chhorvann C, Ghee AE, Chege J,. Association of mother’s handwashing practices and pediatric diarrhea: evidence from a multi-country study on community oriented interventions. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, 2019; 60. http://www.jpmh.org/index.php/jpmh/article/view/1088/pdf
Zakus D, Moussa M, Ezechiel M, Yimbesalu JP, Orkar P, Damecour C, Ghee AE, MacFarlane M, Nganga G. Clinical Evaluation of the Use of an mHealth Intervention on Quality of Care Provided by Community Health Workers in Southwest Niger. Journal of Global Health, 2019; 9 (1). http://www.jogh.org/documents/issue201901/jogh-09-010812.pdf
Perla, ME, Ghee AE, Sánchez S, McClelland RS, Fitzpatrick AL, Suárez-Ognio Luis, Lama JR, Sánchez J. Genital tract infections, bacterial vaginosis, HIV, and reproductive health issues among Lima-based clandestine female sex workers. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3395213/
Brentlinger PE, Assan A, Mudender F, Ghee A, Torres JV, Martinez PM, Bacon O, Bastos R, Manuel R, Lu LR, McKinney C, Nelson LJ. Task shifting in Mozambique: cross-sectional evaluation of non-physician clinicians’ performance in HIV/AIDS Care, Human Resources for Health, Oct 2010; 8: 23. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2994547/
Soto RJ, Ghee AE, Nuñez CA, Mayorga R, Tapia KA, Astete SG, Hughes JP, Buffardi AL, Holte SE, Holmes KK and the EMC Study Team. Sentinel surveillance of STI/HIV and risk behaviors in vulnerable populations in five Central American countries, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 2007 Sep 1;46(1):101-11.