- Associate Professor, Global Health
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Epidemiology

Department of Global Health
University of Washington
Box 359909
Box 359931
Seattle, WA 98195
United States
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Dr. McGrath is an epidemiologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Health. She has more than ten years of experience collaborating on research projects among women and children in low- and middle-income countries, with five years living in Kenya. Dr. McGrath’s research focuses on improving growth and nutrition in children affected by HIV and other infectious diseases. She is the principal investigator of a NIH R01 award to evaluate the association between breast milk oligosaccharides and the gut microbiome on infant growth and illness in Kenya. She also leads the Mama Aweza Trial, a randomized controlled trial testing a mHealth intervention to increase coverage and identification of childhood acute malnutrition. As a complement to these grants, Dr. McGrath is an instrumental member of the leadership team for randomized clinical trials, cohort studies, and program evaluations to identify interventions to reduce child mortality, growth faltering and malnutrition, and mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Dr. McGrath is instructor of 'Current Research and Programs in Global Health' (GH 402/502).
- PhD (University of Washington)
- MPH (University of North Texas Health Science Center)
- BA (Texas A&M University)
- German
- Child and Adolescent Health (incl. Pediatrics)
- Child Mortality
- Disease Surveillance
- Epidemiology
- Maternal Child Health (incl. Reproductive Health)
- Mobile Health (mHealth)
- Nutrition
McGrath CJ, Diener L, Richardson BA, Peacock-Villada E, John-Stewart GC. Growth Reconstitution following Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) and Nutritional Supplementation: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. AIDS 2015; 29(15): 2009-2023.
McGrath CJ, Singa B, Langat A, Kinuthia J, Ronen K, Omolo D, Odongo BE, Wafula R, Muange P, Katana A, Nganga L, John-Stewart G. Non-disclosure to male partners and incomplete PMTCT regimens associated with higher risk of mother-to-child transmission: a national survey in Kenya. AIDS Care. 2018 Jun;30(6):765-773.
McGrath CJ, Nduati R, Richardson BA, Kristal A, Mbori-Ngacha D, Farquhar C, John-Stewart GC. The prevalence of stunting is high in HIV-1 exposed uninfected infants in Kenya. J Nutr 2012; 142:757-763.
Greene SA, De Vuyst H, John-Stewart G, Richardson B, McGrath CJ, Marson K, Trinh T, Yatich N, Kiptinness C, Cagle A, Nyongesa-Malava E, Sakr S, Mugo N, Chung M. Cryotherapy versus Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure among HIV-Infected Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA, 2019; 322(16): 1570-1579.