Global Health Week May 7-11  was well-attended by many students across disciplines and majors. More than a dozen organizations were  part of the "Futures in Global Health Day - Career Fair." The "Working Globally, Locally Career Panel" following the Career Fair was moderated by Dr. King Holmes; panelists  Adam Taylor from the Global to Local Initiative at King County Public Health, Risho Sapano from Refugee Women's Alliance, Jaime Garcia from Consejo, and Christine Mattfeld from Seattle Public schools, shared their diverse experience working with immigrant, refugees, and underserved populations in Seattle.
We also had the great opportunity to listen to Dr. Keith P. Klugman's talk on "Influenza and the Pneumococcus: a Deadly Synergism" and Dr. Zulfiqar Bhutta's lecture on "Social Determinants and the Impact of Community Based Approaches on Maternal and Newborn Health." The film screening of "We Were Here" was another success and the discussion led by Dr. Robert Wood, former director of the HIV/AIDS Program of Public Health - Seattle & King County, was incredibly eye opening and highlighted the need to shift our attention to the issue of HIV here in Seattle.
Our final career development panel, "Job Search Tips," was led by Assistant Director of the Career Center at UW Briana Keller with panelists iPatricia Breen from UW Medicine, William Smith from Lifelong AIDS Alliance, and Andre Nellams from the Infectious Disease Research Institute. For a list of job search tips, go here.
Thank you to the organizations, panelists, moderators, audience, Global Health Resource Center staff, and MSW student Annya Pintak who coordinated the week.