Margaret Chan's Keynote Address at Global Health: Next Decade, Next Generation Symposium

Read the entire transcript of the keynote address of Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization, at the UW Department of Global Health's 10th anniversary celebration symposium, Global Health: Next Decade, Next Generation. Chan discussed grand challenges on the horizon of the next decade: control of non-communicable diseases, climate change, pandemic disease response and educating the next generation of global health leaders.

Children in Mozambique

CATCH Study Aims to Treat Children Living with HIV Before Symptoms Appear

The HIV Counseling and Testing for Children at Home (CATCH) study is concluding its final study after several years of conducting research in various parts of Kenya. The study does exactly as it name suggests — it tries to “catch” children who may be living with HIV but are still asymptomatic and tries to treat them. CATCH works by directly approaching parents who are already in treatment directly and asking if they want to have their children tested. 

New Rural Health Fellowship Program Brings Education and Experience to Physicians

This post originally appeared in Alaska Native News.

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) partners with a variety of educational programs to bring the best professionals into the Tribal health system. In 2016, ANTHC and their Tribal health partners welcomed two physicians from the University of Washington Global and Rural Health Fellowship, a new program designed to provide clinical training and education in traditionally under-served health care systems.

WGHA: Health Alliance International Receives USAID Grant

Health Alliance International has announced the start of a USAID-funded Vital Strategies project as of January 2017. The goal of this two-year project, headed up by Dr. James Cowan, Acting Assistant Professor of Global Health and Allergy & Infectious Disease at UW, is to provide technical assistance to the Mozambican National Tuberculosis (TB) Program in order to establish a successful Drug- Resistant TB program in Mozambique.

Specifically, HAI will be supporting:

HS Newsbeat: Little-known Disease has Major Economic Impact

By Ashlie Chandler

Healthcare system spending on patients in the United States with giant cell arteritis is $16,400 more in the first year after diagnosis compared to similar patients without the disease. This finding comes from a new study from the University of Washington School of Public Health. The little-known, chronic disease of the blood vessels affects 230,000 Americans.

HS Newsbeat: Women Took Path Through UW to Lead Nations' Efforts on Health

Liberia was in the midst of a devastating Ebola outbreak when Bernice Dahn, the country's chief medical officer, went to visit her ailing special assistant at his home on Sept. 20, 2014. When the 55-year-old father of eight died from the disease less than a week later, Dahn put herself into quarantine for 21 days. She kept her constituency aware of her situation, as well as many from her cohort at the University of Washington. Dahn, now Liberia's minister of health, has been fulfilling her vision to build a resilient health system by deploying thousands more community health workers.

ASPPH: Hypertension a Hidden Chronic Condition among Adults in Suburban Nepal

Originally published in ASPPH

More than 50 percent of adults with high blood pressure in suburban Nepal don’t know they have it, according to researchers from the University of Washington School of Public Health and the Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences.

Washington Tuberculosis Expert Receives Local Public Health Award

Masa Narita, MD, Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology and Global Health at the University of Washington School of Public Health, received the Noreen Harris Award for Excellence in Public Health Epidemiology for his work in tuberculosis (TB) surveillance and epidemiology. The award is presented annually by Public Health – Seattle & King County.

Dr. Narita is the TB disease control officer for King County in Washington state, and he has been at the helm of the Tuberculosis Control Program (TBCP) at Public Health – Seattle & King County for 12 years.
