Congratulations to Global Health faculty and staff honored through the University Awards of Excellence

Partners PrEP study team, Global Health: Mira Emmanuel-Ogier, Harald Haugen, Ting Hong, Lara Kidoguchi, Meighan Krows, Susan Morrison, Dana Panteleeff and Kathy Thomas, Distinguished Staff Award
The Partners PrEP team successfully served as the core operations for a large and very complex HIV prevention study in Africa. The team achieved extremely high recruitment, retention and data quality while implementing a complex medical trial. And they shepherded a new product for HIV prevention through regulatory approval, all while based here at the UW.

Thirty years into the HIV pandemic, the team enabled the identification of a highly effective HIV intervention that will make a substantial impact on HIV prevention around the globe. Such achievement has not escaped the notice of those outside our campus. A partner foundation says, “Our organization has performed thousands of clinical investigations around the world, working with countless investigators and protocol teams. In our experience, we have yet to find a team as productive and pleasant to work with as the Partners PrEP team.”

The team’s accomplishments have truly set a new standard for HIV prevention trials, and put the UW in headlines of national and international news. And they did all of this with grace, humor and a strong team spirit.

Stephen Gloyd, global health, University Faculty Lecture Award
Professor Gloyd’s roots are local, but his public service has taken him all over the world. He spent four years in Mozambique with the Ministry of Health. He trained health workers in Mexico and Central America. And while completing his family practice residency at the UW, he became a leader in the local movement to expand midwifery services to underrepresented parts of Seattle and Washington state.

In 1985, he joined the UW Department of Health Services, serving as director of the International Health program in the School of Public Health for more than two decades. Now, as associate chair of the UW Department of Global Health, Professor Gloyd shares his passion for serving the underserved, at home and abroad.

Professor Gloyd has been central in the development and launch of the new undergraduate minor in global health, and he is known for his easy and positive manner and his ability to inspire others to persevere.

As one colleague puts it, “Steve has a very special capacity to highlight how our work at the UW makes an important difference in the world at large.”