In a groundbreaking project for UW Global Health and China public health, four rising stars from premier Chinese universities are beginning MPH and PhD studies this month in the Department of Global Health. Separately, two outstanding faculty members from China will also come to UW as Faculty Scholars this winter. - See more at:

Four students from premier Chinese universities are beginning MPH and PhD studies at UW as part of a new partnership with China in global health. The goals of this two-year, $560,000 project, funded by the China Medical Board, are to strengthen and expand the capacity of Chinese universities in global health education and research.

In a groundbreaking project for UW Global Health and China public health, four rising stars from premier Chinese universities are beginning MPH and PhD studies this month in the Department of Global Health. Separately, two outstanding faculty members from China will also come to UW as Faculty Scholars this winter. - See more at: