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Malaria Control Policy Assessment Project

This research aims to quantify what proportion of the reduction in all-cause under-5 mortality is attributable to malaria control interventions, while accounting for other key childhood health interventions. Disentangling the effect of malaria control interventions from other child health efforts is a key attribute – and challenge – in this research. Many studies focus solely on malaria, overlooking the concurrent scale-up and impact of other child health interventions and programs.    

The MCPA project builds off the health data collected in both Zambia and Uganda over the last 20 years. IHME and in-country partners work together to collate existing data from ministries of health, malaria control offices, statistical bureaus, and other in-country entities that maintain information about child health, malaria, and demographics.  

Using these data, estimates of socio-demographics factors, intervention coverage, and under-5 mortality are produced. These estimates are generated at the subnational level over two decades. Causal attribution models are used to assess the contribution of malaria control efforts to the reduction in under-5 mortality.
