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Projects 291
Countries 141
Faculty 355
Health Topics 123

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Developing leadership & management capabilities in Ministries of Health

AMP Health works to improve health systems and outcomes by collaborating with governments to strengthen leadership and management capabilities through public-private partnership.
We are committed to supporting countries to achieve the Astana Declaration on Primary Health Care – a world where governments and societies prioritize, promote, and protect people’s health and well-being.
AMP Health operates on a number of core principles: We work with whole teams to build capacity; we focus on both leadership & management, believing that both are necessary to have a lasting impact; we are demand-driven, and only work where governments ask to partner with us; we provide long-term support, knowing that durable behavior change takes time; we are client-led, helping countries to advance their agendas by building and supporting capable teams.
We take a holistic, collaborative approach to designing capacity building programs in partnership with the MoH teams that we work with. These programs include a combination of embedded support, in-person and online blended learning approaches, executive coaching, and task-based learning.

Active Dates 
01/01/2015 to 06/30/2021
Faculty Involved 