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Projects 291
Countries 141
Faculty 356
Health Topics 123

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Enterics for Global Health – Shigella surveillance study

The EFGH study will employ cross-sectional and longitudinal study designs to establish incidence and consequences of Shigella moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) within 7 country sites in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Children under 36 months of age presenting with MSD at selected study health facilities will be recruited over an 18-month period and followed for 3-6 months (to be determined). A population census will take place to enumerate the population of children aged <36 months in the hospital catchment area (or a portion of the catchment area) and a health care utilization survey will determine the proportion of MSD cases that present in EFGH study health facilities. These data will inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in the target population of children living in LMICs and generate key data to inform Shigella vaccine value propositions.