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Projects 304
Countries 145
Faculty 386
Health Topics 123

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The Epidemiology of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase and Macrolide Resistance Genes in Kenyan Children Discharged from Hospital

We plan to examine bacteria previously isolated from the stool of recently hospitalized children for markers that suggest resistance to antibiotics used to treat common illnesses in Africa. We will compare the likelihood of resistance in groups of children defined by age, state of nourishment, and length of hospital stay to better understand which children are at highest risk and should be targeted for interventions to prevent antibiotic resistance. We will also compare resistance makers between caregivers and children and between bacteria within the same stool sample. This information will help to understand how antibiotic resistance is transmitted between and within individuals. Funding is provided by the Royalty Research Fund.

Active Dates 
09/01/2019 to 08/30/2020
Faculty Involved