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Projects 290
Countries 141
Faculty 356
Health Topics 123

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Understanding sexual health and well being of women and men living in communities practicing FGM/C: Cross cultural adaptation and validation of sexual quality of life and functioning questionnaires

The proposed study focuses on bridging the knowledge and measurement gap around sexual health and wellbeing of women and men who have been exposed to FGM/C. The study aims to culturally adapt—translate and linguistically validate—the female and male versions of the Sexual Quality of Life questionnaires (SQOL-F and SQOL-M) in three Kenyan communities with a high prevalence of FGM/C – the Maasai, Pokot, and Somali. The validation process includes cross-validation of sexual quality of life functioning with mental health and behavioral correlates of sexual functioning including depression, anxiety, self-esteem, and overall and relationship functioning.

Population Council/DFID- Evidence to End FGM/C Consortium.

Active Dates 
01/01/2018 to 12/31/2020