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Enterade Acceptability Testing (EAT)

 An effective EED therapeutic could lessen chronic intestinal injury, offering an opportunity to improve child growth and development in LRS. A promising intervention, Enterade®, is an over-the-counter medical food product already sold in the US that consists of oral rehydration salts and a proprietary blend of amino acids that drive the uptake of water and electrolytes. It is thought to reduce inflammation and promote healing of the intestinal epithelium. The product has been developed and tested in safety and efficacy studies by the biotechnology firm Entrinsic Health Solutions, but has not yet been optimized for pediatric populations in LRS. We will conduct a small pediatric patient acceptability study to assess how well the target population (age 6-24 months) is able to use the product as intended.

Active Dates 
05/01/2017 to 03/31/2018
Faculty Involved 