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Health Topics 123

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Support to the Mozambican Ministry of Health HIV ART Therapeutic Committees

This program's objective is to support the National and Provincial ART Therapeutic Committees (NATC and PATC) to increase detection and management of patients in therapeutic failure, access and use of second line ART to achieve viral suppression. This includes advising the Mozambican Ministry of Health on the development, update and or revision of policies, guidelines, standard operating procedures and job aids for HIV Care and Treatment, and by providing technical assistance to the MOH National TB Program (NTP) on the management of Pediatric Tuberculosis and resistant Tuberculosis through the development of national guidelines, job aids, training packages.

Since December 2013, I-TECH Mozambique has been providing TA to the MOH NATC, including\building following activities: building their capacity to develop guidelines and protocols, assessing clinical cases proposed for ART drug regimen changes, training new members of the committee, developing a database for the collection and analysis of information related to drug regimen changes, developing and  printing clinical guidelines, developing a curriculum package, training members of PATC in 8 of the 11 provinces, and developing a plan to support start-up and ongoing TA to the PATC. Most recently I-TECH developed a package to support provinces to build their capacity to  manage viral load (VL) testing, including training content for interpretation of VL testing, a decision-making algorithm based on lab results, and a protocol for the use of VL testing.

This is an ongoing project. 
