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Projects 304
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Faculty 385
Health Topics 123

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Targeted Long-acting Antiretroviral Therapy (TLC-ART)

Adapt primers from "HIV drug-resistance Illumina assay using Template IDs to quantify resistant variants” to SHIV. Optimize sensitivity to 0.5-1% and determine blood and lymph node specimen input needed for reproducibility within <1% to quantify mutations to FTC, TDF, LPV/rt and RAL. Test SHIV for resistance mutations to FTC, TDF, LPV/rt and RAL in 4 specimens (blood from pre-ART, 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks and lymph node + gut from necropsy) from each of 18 monkeys.

Active Dates 
07/01/2017 to 06/30/2020
Faculty Involved