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Projects 283
Countries 141
Faculty 357
Health Topics 122

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STD Laboratory-based Surveillance and Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project (GISP)

 The UW Neisseria Reference Laboratory has served as a GISP reference laboratory since the surveillance program began in 1986. This project involves long-term gonococcal antimicrobial resistance surveillance collaboration with CDC and clinic sites in Dallas, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco, and Seattle to monitor trends in antimicrobial susceptibilities of isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae across the United States, and to provide evidence needed for rational selection of effective antibiotics for gonorrhea treatment. Funding is provided through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through 2018.

Location: 7 U.S. clinic sites in Dallas, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, and Tripler Military Base.


Active Dates 
01/01/2014 to 12/01/2018
Faculty Involved