- Affiliate Professor, Global Health
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Dr. Subhash Hira is a medical doctor who specialized in Infectious Diseases, Dermatology/STI, and Public Health. He has held senior positions, namely Director National STI/HIV Program of MOH-Zambia; Assoc Professor at USUHS-Bethesda; Professor University of Texas-Houston; Technical Advisor to NACO-MoH India & Director, ARCON-JJ Hospital Mumbai (1993-2003);Program Leader World Bank-WashingtonDC;Team Leader WHO-Indonesia; Pro-Vice Chancellor Mahatma Gandhi UHS-Mumbai;Vice Chair TRP GFATM-Geneva (2014-18);STAC WHO-TDR-Geneva (-2020).
His pioneering research includes published evidence that HIV was heterosexually transmitted; GUD/STI co-factors in HIV transmission,perinatal and breast milk transmission (1988),initiated ART in India in 1996, scaling-up of ART in Indonesia;expanding ART delivery through GFATM (2014-2018). AIDS video at https://youtu.be/NC7ZxcR-sCI?fbclid=IwAR2rJm1Wl2XBDhfj0lyml-MSmZX5v79GDnU2-dj6sMSsXiWlQt0JnfMviXg .
He led HSS under JICA for Assam, Mizoram and Tamil Nadu, and currently improving COVID services in India. Country Affiliations: DRC,India,Cambodia,Indonesia,Zambia.
Sambodhi Research & Communications-New Delhi.
- MBBS (Medical College, Vadodara)
- MPH (Uniformed Service U of The Health Sc.)
- Gujarati
- Hindi
- Adult Mortality
- Burden of Disease
- Business and Public Private Partnerships
- Cervical Cancer
- Child and Adolescent Health (incl. Pediatrics)
- Chronic Disease (incl. Cardiovascular, Diabetes)
- Clinical Mentoring
- Community-Based Participatory Research
- Community-Based Primary Health Care
- Cost-Effectiveness
- COVID-19
- Disease Surveillance
- Distance Learning
- Ebola
- Education and Training
- Epidemiology
- Gender
- Health Information Systems
- Health Interventions
- Health Promotion
- Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources Development
- Herpes
- HIV Transmission
- Immigrants and Refugees
- Implementation Science
- Infectious Diseases (other than STDs)
- Influenza
- Male Circumcision
- Maternal Child Health (incl. Reproductive Health)
- Maternal Mortality
- Mortality
- Neglected Diseases, Tropical Medicine (incl. Parasites)
- Operations Research
- Qualitative Research and Methods
- Research
- Sexuality
- Social Determinants of Health
- Sociobehavioral
- Sociology
- TB
- Telemedicine
- Workforce
1. Hira S, Munawwar A, Yassa P, Gaur R. New hope for conquering MDR-TB with rapid diagnostic test and short, affordable treatment regimens. In: online publication in PEAH-Italy, 2018. http://www.peah.it/2018/12/2018-a-year-in-review-through-peah-contributors-takes/.
2. Hira S, Pawar S. Roadmap to 2040: HIV/AIDS and STI in South-East Asia. In: State of Infectious Diseases in SEAR by 2040. New Delhi, WHO-SEARO, 2020.
3. Hira S, Malhotra S, Gupta S, Patherya K. How to survive COVID-19: now and the future. peah.it/2020/06/how-to-survive-covid-19-now-and-the-future/
4. AIDS documentary video: The unsung saviours. https://youtu.be/NC7ZxcR-sCI.youtu.be (June2020)
5. COVID-19 webinar series on microsite, August 2020. https://sambodhi.co.in/learning-series/