- Clinical Assistant Professor, Global Health
- Director, Capacity Building, Imprint (U) Ltd

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Dr. Lydia Mpanga Sebuyira is the Director, Capacity Building at Imprint (U) Ltd, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Global Health, University of Washington, and an internationally certified executive coach. Her executive coaching practice in Uganda and Kenya spans leaders and managers in the private and health NGO sectors, especially in the context of culture or career change, leadership development and maximising individual potential. At Imprint, Lydia is responsible for business development of the Capacity Building function, as well as overseeing development and delivery of Imprint training, consultancies and executive coaching.
Lydia is an expert physician and teacher who has led world-class education and training programmes at the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) of Makerere University and Hospice Africa Uganda. She is a Ugandan Member of the Academic Alliance for Care and Prevention of HIV in Africa. She holds a Medical degree, a Bachelor’s degree in Physiological Sciences, and a Master’s degree from Oxford University; is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (UK) and holds an AoEC Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching with Distinction in presentation of her Coaching Model. Lydia is a certified user of Hogan Lead and LVI psychometric assessments.
With over 19 years’ clinical, educational and research experience in the UK, South Africa and in Uganda, Lydia brings a wealth of leadership and management experience from her work in the public and NGO Health sector, in academia and in the private sector. She has strong facilitator, mentoring, writing and advocacy skills, and is experienced in curriculum and instructional material development.
- BM (Oxford University (UK))
- MA (Oxford University (UK))
- BA (Oxford University (UK))
- French
- Luganda
- Business and Public Private Partnerships
- Clinical Mentoring
- Community Health Workers
- Distance Learning
- Education and Training
- Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources Development
- Leadership and Organizational Development
- Pain and Symptom Management
- Palliative Care
Mpanga Sebuyira L, Mwangi-Powell F, Pereira J, Spence C. The Cape Town Palliative Care Declaration: Home Grown Solutions for Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal Palliative Medicine 2003; 6: 341–3
Gwyther E, Merriman A, Mpanga Sebuyira L, Scheitinger H (Editors), 2006: A Clinical Guide to Supportive and Palliative Care for HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. African Palliative Care Association, Uganda
Renggli V, De-Ryck I, Jacob S, Yeneneh H, Sirgu S, Mpanga Sebuyira L, Pfipfzer, Downing J, Portillo C, Murray J, Gove S, Colebunders R. HIV Education for Health Care Professionals in High Prevalence Countries: Trying to Integrate a Preservice Approach in Training. Lancet Vol 372: 341-343 July 26
Ssekabira U, Bukirwa H, Hopkins H, Namagembe A, Weaver M, Mpanga Sebuyira L, Quick L,
Staedke S, Yeka A, Kiggundu M, Schneider G, McAdam K, Wabwire-Mangen F, Dorsey G. Improved Malaria Case Management after Integrated Team-based Training of Health Care Workers in Uganda. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 2009; 79(6): 826-833.
Sarah Naikoba, Robert Colebunders, Jean Pierre Van Geertruyden, Kelly P. Willis, Stephen Kinoti, Milly Namalwa Kulubya, Martin K. Mbonye, Antonina Miceli, Lydia Mpanga Sebuyira, Allan Ronald, Michael Scheld and Marcia R. Weaver. Design of a cluster randomized trial assessing integrated infectious diseases training and on-site support for midlevel practitioners in Uganda. International Journal of Care Pathways 2013; 0:1-8