- Affiliate Professor, Global Health

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Dr Grove is the Director of Quality Assurance for Norms and Standards at WHO HQ, Geneva. He was the former Director of Information, Evidence and Research. He joined WHO on 1 September 2017. Before joining WHO, John was the Deputy Director for Evidence and Policy in the MNCH team at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). He was responsible for the investment portfolio on evidence and research and also worked within the division to set strategy and guide related health analytics, in addition to being a designated representative on evidence with the foundation’s external partners, including the UN system. Prior to MNCH, he was based in the global health strategy team in the Office of the President and worked across the organization on strategy and evaluation processes and investments. Prior to BMGF, John was with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for 8 years in Africa supervising disease surveillance, program monitoring and evaluation, health informatics, nurse, lab, and medical training programs, and as a lead US diplomat with host country governments on technical assistance and resource negotiation.
Interests - health systems strengthening, care models, adaptation of guidelines at country level, implementation and M&E capacity building, digital health, strategic and public health evaluation.
- PhD (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
- MA (University of San Francisco)
- BA (Kent State University)
- French
- Bioethics
- Burden of Disease
- Causes of Death
- COVID-19
- Disease Surveillance
- Global Health Governance
- Health Information Systems
- Health Policy
- Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources Development
- Health Technologies
- Implementation Science
- Intervention Design and Management
- Leadership and Organizational Development
- Malaria
- Metrics and Evaluation
- Qualitative Research and Methods
- Respiratory Disease
Grove, J. Aiming for Utility in “Systems-based Evaluation”: A Research-based Framework for Practitioners. IDS Bulletin, 46: 1. SN 1759-5436. http://dx.doi.org/10.111/1759-5436.12121. January 2015.
Kovacs, S.D., Mulholland, K., Bosch, J., Campbell, H., Forouzanfar, M., Khalil, I., Lim, S., Liu, L., Maley, S., Mathers, C., Matheson, A., Mokdad, A., O’Brien, K., Parashar, U., Schaafsma, T., Steele, D., Hawes, Grove, J.T. Deconstructing the differences: a comparison of GBD 2010 and CHERG’s approach to estimating the mortality burden of diarrhea, pneumonia, and their etiologies. BMC Infectious Diseases, 15:16. DOI 10.1186/s12879-014-0728-4. January 2015. (Highly Accessed)
Grove, J., Brown, W., Setel, P. Making the most of common impact metrics: Promising approaches that need further study. (Commentary) BMC Public Health 2013, 13 (Suppl 2): S8
Grove, J. Utility and practice of systems-based evaluation: A case Study of health service expansion in Lusaka, Zambia. (Dissertation). Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. http://researchbank.rmit.edu.au/eserv/rmit:160050/Grove.pdf. February 17, 20120.
Closser, S., Rosenthal, A., Parris, T., Maes, K., Justice, J., Cox, K., Luck, M., Landis, R. M., Grove, J., Tedoff, P., Venczel, L., Nsubuga, P., Kuzara, J., Neergheen, V. Methods for evaluating the impact of vertical programs on health systems: protocol for a study on the impact of the global polio eradication initiative on strengthening routine immunization and primary health care. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:728
Grove, J., Kibel, B., Haas, T., EvaluLEAD: A Guide for Shaping and Evaluating Leadership Development Programs. 2005. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation. www.wkkf.org.
Grove, J., Kibel, B., Haas, T., EvaluLEAD: An Open-systems Perspective on Evaluating Leadership Development Programs. In, Martineu, J, Hannum, K., Reinelt, C., The Handbook of Leadership Development. 2006. Jossey-Bass.
Hallett, T.B., Aberle-Grasse, J., Bello, G., Boulos, L-M., Cayemittes, M.P.A., Cheluget, B., Chipeta, J., Dorrington, R., Dube, S., Ekra, A.K., Garcia-Calleja, J.M., Garnett, G.P., Greby, S., Gregson, S., Grove, J. T., Hader, S., Hanson, J., Hladik, W., Ismail, S., Kassim, S., Kirungi, W., Kouassi, L., Mahomva, A., Marum, L., Maurice, C., Nolan, M., Rehle, T., Stover, J., Walker, N. Declines in HIV prevalence can be associated with changing sexual behaviour in Uganda, urban Kenya, Zimbabwe, and urban Haiti. Sex Transm Infect 2006; 82:i1-i8 doi:10.1136/sti.2005.016014
April 12, 2013 Tackling the Two Biggest Killer of Kids: Pneumonia and Diarrhea. http://www.impatientoptimists.org/Posts/2013/04/Tackling-the-two-biggest-killers-of-kids-pneumonia-and-diarrhea
Book Reviews
Managers Who Lead: A Handbook for Improving Health Services. Management Sciences for Health, Cambridge, MA, 2005.