- Clinical Professor, Global Health

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Dr. B.B Rewari, MD, FRCP, is a former Associate Professor of Medicine at Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi. He is a clinician turned public health specialist who has actively contributed to the National Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Programme in India for 12 years as National Professional Officer (ART) before moving to his present position as Scientist HIV/AIDS/STI/Hepatitis at WHO SEARO.
Dr. Rewari has been involved in the ART programme right from the days of conceptualization of the programme to preparation of technical and operational guidelines to implementation and monitoring of the programme. The ART programme in India is now the second largest programme globally with 1.2 million persons on free ART.
Dr. Rewari has 90 articles in journals and books and has edited two books on HIV/AIDS. He has been a part of WHO Expert Group on ART guidelines in 2010 and 2013. Dr. Rewari is the recipient of Best Teacher Award from DMA, Best Allopathic Physician award, GB Jain Oration, Ranbaxy Oration from IMA, P J Mehta oration (2013) by the Association of Physicians of India and was awarded FRCP), Ireland in 2010.
- MD (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
- MBBS (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
- Hindi
- Punjabi
- COVID-19
- Health Disparities
- Hepatitis
- Herpes
- Infectious Diseases
- Laboratory Strengthening
- STDs (other than HIV)
N. Tshering, G. P. Dhakal, U. Wangchuk, S. Wangdi3, L. Khandu1, S. Pelden, F. Nogareda, M. K. Patel, Y. J. F. Hutin , K. Wannemuehler, B. B. Rewari and S. Wangchuk. Prevalence of HBV and HCV infections, Bhutan, 2017: Progress and next steps. BMC Infectious Diseases (2020) 20:485.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-020-05176-3