- Affiliate Professor, Global Health

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Baltazar Chilundo, MD, PhD, Public Health Specialist, has over 15 years of experience in the practice and education of public health domains (health systems and community health) of low-income countries. Over the past 10 years he has focused his work on community health workers, HIV and AIDS, malaria, sexual and reproductive health, health policy and primary health care. Baltazar Chilundo played many key positions mainly as senior official of research, monitoring and evaluation of projects like FORTE Saúde (a USAID consortium project implemented by JHPIEGO, Chemonics International and HAI) and Bassopa Malaria Mozambique (a USAID consortium project implemented by Chemonics International and Malaria Consortium). He also played the role of team leader of research, monitoring and evaluation for Malaria Consortium Mozambique, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs in Mozambique and Pathfinder International in Mozambique. Also as part of extension activities, he provided technical assistance to the MOH for (i) the review of one of the Performance Assessment Frameworks; (ii) the realization of a Joint Annual Review; (iii) the development of the strategic plan and M&E plan of the national malaria control program, the national TB control program and health promotion; and (iv) the development of training manuals of planning, M&E and HMIS; among other activities. Baltazar Chilundo is currently the team lead for Gavi Full Country Evaluation in Mozambique. Underpinning his work is the use of tools like Theories of Change, Results Based Management and Logical Frameworks for both planning and M&E. He is member of CEPSA (Health and Population Research Center).
- PhD (University of Oslo (Norway))
- MD (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane Mozambique)
- Portuguese
- Community-Based Primary Health Care
- Maternal Child Health (incl. Reproductive Health)
- Metrics and Evaluation
- Social Determinants of Health
Hemminki E, Nwaru BI, Salomé G, Parkkali S, Abacassamo F, Augusto O, Cliff J, Regushevskaya E, Dgedge M, Sousa, C & Chilundo B. 2016. Is selective prenatal iron prophylaxis better than routine prophylaxis: final results of a trial (PROFEG) in Maputo, Mozambique. BMJ Open 2016;6:e011280. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016- 011280
Chilundo, B. G., Cliff, J. L., Mariano, A. R., Rodríguez, D. C. & George, A. (2015). Relaunch of the official community health worker programme in Mozambique: is there a sustainable basis for iCCM policy? Health Policy and Planning, 30, ii54-ii64.
Salomão, C. A., Sacarlal, J., Chilundo, B. & Gudo, E. S. 2015. Prescription practices for malaria in Mozambique: poor adherence to the national protocols for malaria treatment in 22 public health facilities. Malaria Journal, 14, 1-8.
Bailey, P., Keyes, E., Moran, A., Singh, K., Chavane, L. & Chilundo, B. 2015. The triple threat of pregnancy, HIV infection and malaria: reported causes of maternal mortality in two nationwide health facility assessments in Mozambique, 2007 and 2012. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 15, 293.
Bennett, S., George, A., Rodriguez, D., Shearer, J., Diallo, B., Konate, M., Dalglish, S., Juma, P., Namakhoma, I., Banda, H., Chilundo, B., Mariano, A. & Clif, J. (2014). Policy challenges facing integrated community case management in Sub-Saharan Africa. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 19, 872-882. doi:10.1111/tmi.12319.