- Clinical Instructor, Global Health
- Researcher, National Public Health Institute of Cote d'Ivoire

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A Fulbright alumnus and MD, Serge DALI completed his MPH at Georgia State University. For twelve years, he has been involved in health system strengthening, HIV/AIDS, Social and Behavior Change Communication for vaccine-preventable diseases, and Risk Communication and Community Engagement. Organizations for which he has worked so far include the WHO in Chad and Democratic Republic of the Congo, Health Alliance International, UNICEF country office and the Johns Hopkins’ Center for Communication programs in Cote d’Ivoire, and the Carter Center Guinea worm eradication program in Chad.
As a researcher within the National public health institute of Côte d’Ivoire, he leads operations research to help in decision-making in the areas of vaccine-preventable diseases, health system strengthening, HIV/AIDS, risk communication and community engagement. He worked recently with the Project Breakthrough ACTION in Cote d’Ivoire as Global Health Security Agenda Advisor to coordinate USAID’s efforts to strengthen country’s Risk Communication & Community Engagement systems and Social and Behavior Change Communication mechanism to prepare the country to prevent, detect, and respond to disease outbreaks. He is a clinical instructor within the Department of Global Health, supervising MPH candidates when they fulfill their thesis field work in Cote d’Ivoire.
- MD (Université de Cocody-Abidjan)
- MPH (Senghor University)
- French
- Disease Surveillance
- Ebola
- Epidemiology
- Health Promotion
- Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources Development
- Immunizations
- Implementation Science
- Infectious Diseases (other than STDs)
- Operations Research
- Qualitative Research and Methods
- Social Determinants of Health
Fight against HIV/Aids and STIs; Immunization
S. Adam Granato, Stephen Gloyd, Julia Robinson, Serge A. Dali, Irma Ahoba, David Aka, Seydou Kouyate, Doroux A. Billy, Samuel Kalibala, Ahoua Kone. Results from a rapid national assessment of services for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Cote d’Ivoire. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2016, 19(Suppl 4):20838
Bernadin Nicaise A. Lepri, Alfred Douba, Harvey Attoh-Touré, Henri Auguste Y. Gnissan, Aimé Serge Dali, Soualihou Noufé, Bangaman Christian Akani, Marie Noelle Ano, Ange Eric N. Assouhou, Petronille Zengbé-Acray, Simplice N’cho Dagnan. (2018). Processus de prévalidation de l’élimination du tétanos maternel et néonatal en Côte-d’Ivoire en 2012. Ann. Afr. Med., vol. 11, n° 2. https://anafrimed.net/processus-de-prevalidation-de-lelimination-du-tetanos-maternel-et-neonatal-en-cote-divoire-en-2012-prevalidation-process-of-elimination-of-maternal-and-neonatal-tetanus-in-cote-d/