- Professor Emeritus, Global Health
- Professor Emeritus, Oral Health Sciences
- Professor Emeritus, Biostatistics
1959 NE Pacific Street
Box 357475
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Timothy A. DeRouen is Professor of Biostatistics, Oral Health Sciences, and Global Health at the University of Washington. His is Director of the Center for Global Oral Health in the School of Dentistry, and has directed the Summer Institute in Clinical Dental Research Methods since 1992. He has previously served as Executive Associate Dean and Interim Dean of the School of Dentistry. His interests are in clinical research methodology in oral health. He is currently President of the American Association for Dental Research.
- PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State Univ)
- MS (Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State Univ)
- BS (McNeese State University)
- Biostatistics
- Epidemiology
- Oral Health
DeRouen TA, Martin MD, Leroux BG, Townes BD, Woods JS, Leitao J, Castro-Caldas A, Luis H, Bernardo M, Rosenbaum G, Martins IP: Neurobehavioral effects of dental amalgam in children: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 295(15): 1784-1792, 2006.
Nittayananta W, DeRouen TA, Areeratchakaran P, Laothumthut T, Pangsomboon K, Petsantad S, Vuddhakul V, Sriplung H, Jaruratanasirikul S, Martin MD. A randomized clinical trial of chlorhexidine in maintenance of oral candidiasis-free period in HIV infection. Oral Diseases, 14(7):665-70, 2008.
DeRouen T, Cunha-Cruz J, Hilton T, Ferracane J, Berg J, Zhou L, Rothen M. What's in a dental PBRN? Characteristics of Northwest PRECEDENT dentists, their patients and office visits. Journal of the American Dental Association. 141:889-899, 2010.
Pattrapornnan P, DeRouen TA, Songpaisan Y, Siriphant P. Increased risks of preterm delivery and low birthweight baby in Thai HIV-pregnant women with periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology, 83(11): 1372-1381, November 2012.
McKinney CM, Chowchuen B, Pitiphat W, DeRouen T, Pisek A, Godfrey K. Micronutrients and Oral Clefts: A Case-Control Study. Journal of Dental Research, 92(12): 1089 – 1094. December 2013